LIR Casino is committed to respecting the Player’s privacy and to complying with applicable data protection laws.

LIR Casino assures Players that their personal data is processed fairly, lawfully and in accordance with good practice and is only collected for specific purposes which are known and accepted by the Player, when such Player chooses to make use of the LIR Casino Internet Site and Software systems.

By registering with LIR Casino, the Player is accepting that LIR Casino stores and processes the information entered in addition to the general system information and that activities are logged (see General T&Cs for more detail).

LIR Casino takes the security and confidentiality of Users’ personal data seriously and shall endeavour to ensure that such data is not disclosed at any time to any third party without the User’s prior explicit consent.

LIR Casino has adopted best practice when it comes to the principles of E-mail communication with its Clients.

All the aforementioned is in place in order to assure LIR Casino Users that at all times personal data is:
  • Processed in accordance with the rights of the User concerned;

  • Processed fairly and lawfully

  • Obtained only for a specific and lawful purpose

  • Adequate, relevant and not excessive to its purpose

  • Accurate and updated

  • Kept in a secure manner

  • Not kept longer than is necessary for its purpose

  • Not transferred to jurisdictions not adhering to the aforementioned Directives

  • Is utilised for marketing purposes based on the so-called opt-in principle.

The only time that LIR Casino may disclose personal data is when ordered to do so by a decision deriving from the Governing Law and/or when ordered to do so by order of the Governing Authority and/or when ordered to do so by order of the Data Protection Commissioner and/or in the event of an User being directly and/or indirectly involved in a crime that involves an LIR Casino Account.

By opening an account with LIR Casino, User consents that LIR Casino uses his/her personal data for the following purposes:
  • Performance of these T&Cs by Us, our Suppliers and any third party acting on our behalf

  • Own internal marketing and promotion of activities

  • Storage and processing in terms of the laws & regulations covering anti-money laundering.

All LIR Casino employees are required to comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy provides that employees are obliged to keep Player information strictly confidential. This obligation continues once an employee has left LIR Casino.

The Player can write to us at any time to obtain a copy of his information and to have any inaccuracies corrected. Where appropriate, the Player may have his personal information erased, rectified, amended or completed. In order to contact us regarding his information the User should click on the Support option available on the website. LIR Casino may levy a small charge to cover the cost of administration regarding any request made by the Player in this regard.

As indicated above, LIR Casino would, on occasion, market directly to Player products and services which LIR Casino considers may be of interest to the Player. Should Player not wish to receive such information, or have any other data protection queries, Player is urged to contact LIR Casino for such information/changes.

LIR Casino - All rights reserved. is an online casino games site. Access to an online gambling site is forbidden by certain national laws. It is up to each user to check if he/she has the right to access LIR Casino. This site is forbidden to minors aged under 18. The games involve financial risk and dependence. It is recommended to always play responsibly